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T7 Open Sid - II

by dude C 2016. 6. 1.

RpmIn.n_EngineEngine speed UNIT : rpm MAX : 8000 MIN : 25 (set to 10 when engine starts to move) TRANS : V = P. Resolution is 1. Interval is Every combustion / 5 ms when engine is still.
LambLambda.LambdaIntGlobal closed loop integrator. Update : every combustion. V6: Bank 1. Resolution is ñ  0.01 %.
IgnaOut.fi_IgnitionActual ignition angle. A positive value is before TDC and a negative value is after TDC. Resolution is 0.1 °. Interval is Every combustion.
TengIn.T_EngineEngine coolant temperature UNIT : (C MAX : 150 MIN : -40 TRANS : V = P. Resolution is 1. Interval is 1000 ms.
TairIn.T_AirInletInlet air temperature UNIT : (C MAX : 140 MIN : -40 TRANS : V = P. Resolution is 1. Interval is 1000 ms.
IoffIgnProt.fi_OffsetShows ignition angle output from offset functions. Resolution is 0.1 °.
MengOut.M_EngineEngine torque UNIT : Nm MAX : 400 MIN : -100 TRANS : V = (P+. Resolution is 1. Interval is 10ms.
MlowTorqueProt.M_LowLimBy the Torque Master selected lowest torque limit request, corrected with adaption value made at idle.
PbefIn.p_AirBefThrottleEngine inlet air pressure UNIT : kPa MAX : 300 MIN : 0 TRANS : V = P * 10. Resolution is 0.1. Interval is Every combustion.
PinlIn.p_AirInletEngine inlet air pressure UNIT : kPa MAX : 300 MIN : 0 TRANS : V = P * 10. Resolution is 0.1. Interval is Every combustion.
PairIn.p_AirAmbientBarometric air pressure UNIT : kPa MAX : 120 MIN : 50 TRANS : V = P * 10. Resolution is 0.1. Interval is 250 ms.
mReqm_RequestRequested airmass
mAIRMAF.m_AirInletAirmass in milligram per combustion. This airmass is the actual load value in the ECM. (Unfiltered) Calculated from ActualIn.Q_AirInlet. Resolution is 1 mg/c. Interval is every combustion.
MissMissf.nrOfCountedMisfireCounts the nr of misfire that has not been filtered or rpm diff filtered.
PfacBoostProt.PfacCalculate P part for regulator. load diff * P const P = 100. Update : every 10 msec. Resolution is 0.1 %.
IfacBoostProt.IfacCalculated I part for regulator. load diff * I const I = I + 1000. Update : every 10 msec. Resolution is 0.1 %.
PWMOut.PWM_BoostCntrlDuty-cycle for boost pressure valve. Resolution is 0.1 %. Interval is every 20 ms.
tStaECMStat.t_StartTimeEngine start time, measured by measuring the time from that the battery volatage decreases 1.0V to the time engine speed reached 1000 rpm.
LIMPOBDAdap.ThrLimpHomeNrLast reported throttle limphome number.
ModeSID.ST_ModeMode settings to see different "values"
AmulAdpFuelProt.MulFuelAdaptMulticative fueladaption value. Resolution is ñ  0.01 %.
FFacPurge.FuelFacThe fuelfactor from the purge function. Resolution is 0.01 %.
MxLoLambdaProt.MaxLoadNormMax load (airmass) for closed loop during normal conditions. Update : every combustion. Resolution is 1 mg/c.
VFueIn.V_FuelTankFuel level UNIT : l (litre) MAX : 100 MIN : 0 TRANS : V = P * 10. Resolution is 0.1. Interval is 1000 ms.
AaddAdpFuelProt.AddFuelAdapt+2Additative fueladaption value. Resolution is 0.01 mg/c.
AadpAreaAdap.A_ThrottleAdaption of throttle area. Interval is 250ms.
AdpDIdleAdap.Q_AirDriveAdaption value for idlespeed regulation (drive activated). This value is added to the PID and Constant part of the regulator. If the I-part is limited will the adaption stop. Resolution is 0.01 g/s.
AdpNIdleAdap.Q_AirNeutralAdaption value for idlespeed regulation (drive not activated). This value is added to the PID and Constant part of the regulator. If the I-part is limited will the adaption stop. Resolution is 0.01 g/s.
AMRCanIn.ST_EngineIntervEngine intervention is requested from ESP (AMR)
ApurPurge.HCContThe content of HC in the purge air. Resolution is 0.1 %.
ayCanIn.a_LateralLateral acceleration, only implemented on cars with ESP. Resolution is 0.5 m/s2.
BadpBoostAdap.AdaptionAdaption value for boost control. Interval is Every 100ms.
BMRCanIn.ST_BrakeIntervBrake intervention is requested from ESP (BMR)
CLUiOut.CMD_CoastLUInhibitInhibit coast slip lock up 
CmemEngTip.ST_ActiveStatus flag showing if tipin is active 0 = Not active 1 = Tip-in active 2 = Tip-out active
CSLUIn.ST_TCMCSLUCoast Lock up slip state 0 = No request  1 = Fuel cut inhibit  2 = Fuel cut allowed
DTIOut.M_DTIDrivers Torque Intention. The torque that the driver requests converted from air to torque. Limitations from all functions excluding TCM and TCS are included in the signal UNIT : Nm MAX : 400 MIN : -100
FcodobdFaultsOBD Error codes?
FFAdPurge.m_FuelPrgFuel flow from purge. Resolution is 0.01 mg/c.
FlowPurge.FlowThe actual purge flow. Resolution is 1 mg/s.
FMXFPurgeProt.FuelFacMaxFlowMaximum allowed purge flow in respect to maximum allowed fuel factor at actual load. Resolution is 1 mg/s.
FrezPurgeProt.AdpFreezeAdaption freeze status.
GearIn.X_ActualGearActual gear on automatic gearbox. 2 - Reverse 3 - Neutral 5 - Gear 1 6 - Gear 2 7 - Gear 3 8 - Gear 4 11 - Gear 3, lock up 12 - Gear 4, lock up Interval is every 50 ms.
GSIOut.CMD_GearShiftInhibitPrevent TCM from shifting.
HCntPurge.HCContThe content of HC in the purge air. Resolution is 0.1 %.
In.XIn.X_AccPedalPedal position UNIT : % MAX : 130 MIN : 0 TRANS : V = P * 10. Resolution is 0.1. Interval is 20 ms.
IputActualIn.n_GearBoxInTransmission input rpm (turbine speed) Used to detect when the load is changed for the engine when gear is engaged. Resolution is 1 rpm. Interval is every 50 ms.
JeLiJerkProt.JerkFactorThreshold value for changing shift pattern to "no lockup"
Kph1ActualIn.v_VehicleLeft front wheel speed UNIT : km/h MAX : 300 MIN : 0 (detection of min. 1.0 km/h) TRANS : V = P * 10. Resolution is 0.1. Interval is 100 ms.
Kph2ActualIn.v_Vehicle2Vehicle speed, measured on the rear wheel, sent from MIU. UNIT : km/h MAX : 300 MIN : 0 TRANS : V = P * 10. Resolution is 0.1. Interval is 100 ms.
LwsICanIn.fi_SteeringAngleStearing angle (LwsIn), only implemented on cars with ESP . Resolution is 3 °.
mAirMAF.m_AirInletAirmass in milligram per combustion. This airmass is the actual load value in the ECM. (Unfiltered) Calculated from ActualIn.Q_AirInlet. Resolution is 1 mg/c. Interval is every combustion.
MairIn.M_TCSTorqueReqMaximum torque request from TCS system via CAN. Resolution is 1 Nm. Interval is Every 20 ms.
MnomTorque.M_NominalNominal engine output torque at a certain enginespeed and inlet airmass. Read from matrix.
MTCMActualIn.M_TCMLimitReqMaximum engine torque request from TCM UNIT : Nm MAX : 400 MIN : -100 TRANS : V = P. Resolution is 1. Interval is 10 ms.
MtotIn.M_TCSTotalReqTotal torque request from ESP equiped cars. The differance in torque between In.M_TCSTorqueReq and In.M_TCSTotalReq is taken with ignition retardation. Resolution is 1 Nm. Interval is Every 20 ms.
NoIgOut.ST_NoIgnitionRetardIgnition retardation is not allowed due to overheating the catalytic converter
OputDiffPSProt.v_GearBoxOutTCM gearbox output speed converted to vehicle speed. Resolution is 0.1 km/h. Interval is Every 100ms.
PdifECMStat.p_DiffDifferance between inlet manifold air pressure and external air pressure. Resolution is 0.1 kPa.
PengECMStat.P_EngineCalculated engine power. Measured in horsepower.
PercPurgeProt.PurgePercentPurge flow/Air mass flow ratio. Resolution is 0.01 %.
PMXFPurgeProt.PdiffMaxFlowMaximum flow allowed by the diff. pressure. Resolution is 1 mg/s.
PpwmPurge.ValvePurge valve PWM. Resolution is 0.1 %.
PrStPurge.StatusStatus of the purge function.
ReqFPurgeProt.ReqFlowRequested purge flow. Resolution is 1 mg/s.
ShPnIn.ST_TCMShiftPatternActive TCM shift pattern 0 = ECO 1 = Pwr 2 = Wusp 3 = Wnt 4 = US1 5 = US2 6 = Hot1 7 = Hot2 8 = Jerk 9 = Rep 10 = DS 11 = Tap U/D
TignTorqueCal.T_NoIgnRetNo retardation of ignition above this exhaust temperature
TngAActualIn.T_EngineEngine coolant temperature UNIT : (C MAX : 150 MIN : -40 TRANS : V = P. Resolution is 1. Interval is 1000 ms.
TTCMIn.T_TCMOilOil temperature in automatic gearbox
tTCMIn.t_TCMTrqLimDurationMaximum engine torque duration UNIT : ms MAX : 2500 MIN : 0 TRANS : V = P. Resolution is 1. Interval is 10 ms.
vGiFCanIn.fi_YawVelocityYaw velocity (vGiF), only implemented on cars with ESP. Resolution is 0.02 °.
vVLFIn.v_VehicleLeft front wheel speed UNIT : km/h MAX : 300 MIN : 0 (detection of min. 1.0 km/h) TRANS : V = P * 10. Resolution is 0.1. Interval is 100 ms.
vVRFIn.v_Vehicle3Right front wheel speed UNIT : km/h MAX : 300 MIN : 0 (detection of min. 1.0 km/h) TRANS : V = P * 10. Resolution is 0.1. Interval is 100 ms.
XaccOut.X_AccPedalPedal position UNIT : % MAX : 100 MIN : 0 TRANS : V = P*1. Resolution is 0.1. Interval is 20ms.

In T7suite, press action - firmware information. Make sure Software open is checked, you will by this change 3 bytes from "Yes" to "No."

in the file. Program the file back to your ECU.

Petrol file pre MY01: After startup, press the brake pedal and + - on the SID to enter the menu, scroll up and down with + and -.

Petrol file post MY01: After start up press + and - on your SID to enter the menu.

Biopower file: After start up you will see how long it took to start engine in seconds, engine temp, E85 adaption and one more.

Press clear and SID will act as normal. Press + and - to enter the SID menu. Press + and - again to see 6 values from the current

list at the same time.

Post MY06: After startup, press and hold forward/next track button on steering wheel  and then press SRC, you are now in SIDi mode,

scroll with arrow up/down, unfortunatley when you press up you go down. This can be fixed in the basecode of the file. 


You can change "Mode" to get access to more symbols by pressing Set (displays ** before mode) and then press and hold Set for

a few secs to choose.

You can also use Set to lock the top symbol and then select a second symbol to monitor at the same time. Pressing + and - will

display 6 of the symbols on this particular mode number at the same time. By holding + you can see what symbols that are shown.

Mackan made this nice little video how it looks like on the SID http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcsC38mIrVY


by sandy_rus:

1. Press (+) and (-) simultaneously - first press one, then hold and press another button - and you'll get into SID mode...

2. Press (+) or (-) to scroll through values

3. Press (+) and (-) (again as desribed in [1] )and you'll get into "Six values on-screen" mode,

3.1 Press and hold (-) or (+) to see what every on-sceen number means

3.2 Press and hold (set) and you'll get into "screen setup"

3.2.1 To scroll thorugh values simply use (-) and (+) buttons,

3.2.2 Press (clear) when you're done


3.2.3 To setup any of the six symbols press and hold (set) again Press (set) to select position of symbol (value) Use (-) and (+) buttons to change symbol Use (night panel) to place symbol in current cell Press (clear) when you're done

3.3 Press (+) and (-) simultaneously to exit from SID mode...