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[스크랩] Re:9-3(B207R)의 스파크 플러그 선택 ... 김현태님 께 ..

by dude C 2010. 5. 28.

김현태씨.. 9-5 순정형 플러그는 PFR6H-10  입니다.

튜닝용으로 문제 없이 많이 쓰는 것은 9000시리즈에 순정으로 사용하는 BCPR7ES-11 입니다. 순정에 비해 열가 1 높고,

간격도 1 넓습니다.


고민이 되어지는 부분은 순정 PFR6H-10 에 대해 튜닝용으로 일반적으로 쓰는 BCPR7ES-11 이 단순히 열가 1을 높이는

이유인지 .. 아님 간극도 같이 넓어져야 하는 것인지에 대한 것입니다.


열가만 1 높은 것이 좋다면 간격 11 대신  PFR7H-10 를 사용하는 것이 더 바람직해 보이기도 합니다만 현재는 생산중단

되어 있다고 하고.. 회사에 중단 문의와 PFR6H-10 에 대해 대체여부를 문의 하였는데,, 감감 무소식..


또한 튜닝용 BCPR7ES-11 플러그를 대신할 수 있는 것은 동일 제품에 이리듐 처리된 BCPR7EIX-11 플러그로 사용하는 것은

어떨지도 궁금한데..  일부에서는 이온화 과정에서 플러그 팁에 문제가 생길 수도 있다는 이야기도 있고..


혹, 전문가와 contact 이 된다면 한번 알아봐 주시길 부탁드립니다..


위 PFR7H-10 , BCPR7EIX-11 두 제품은 구입해 두었는데.. 문제가 없다면 테스트 해 볼 생각입니다..





1. NGK BCPR7ES-11  : 일반적인 튜닝용..


Plug Detail - NGK BCPR7ES-11
**Please note that scales are provided for an approximate reference and are not to be used for precise measurement**

Firing End Detail - NGK BCPR7ES-11

Thread Diameter

Thread Reach

Seat Type
Hex Size
Tip configuration
Standard construction
Terminal Type


NGK Spark Plug BCPR7ES-11 details and information
NGK manufacture an extremely high quality spark plug product. Part number BCPR7ES-11 is no exception. We have classified part number BCPR7ES-11 as "Standard" type, more specifically BCPR7ES-11 features Standard construction as well as the same high quality copper core as the rest of the NGK sparkplug range. Please visit our NGK spark plugs product information page for more information about NGK plug specifications. For ultimate performance you may wish to consider Denso Iridium Power spark plugs, please check our Denso applications guide for a suitable option.




2. NGK BCPR7EIX-11  ..  1번  BCPR7ES-11 제품에 이리듐 처리된것  ... 이 Plug도 사용상 문제 없는지 문의 부탁


Plug Detail - NGK BCPR7EIX-11
**Please note that scales are provided for an approximate reference and are not to be used for precise measurement**

Firing End Detail - NGK BCPR7EIX-11

Thread Diameter

Thread Reach

Seat Type
Hex Size
Tip configuration
Iridium centre electrode
Terminal Type


NGK Iridium Spark Plug BCPR7EIX-11 details and information
NGK manufacture an extremely high quality spark plug product. Part number BCPR7EIX-11 is no exception. We have classified part number BCPR7EIX-11 as "Iridium-IX" type, more specifically BCPR7EIX-11 features Iridium centre electrode as well as the same high quality copper core as the rest of the NGK sparkplug range. Please visit our NGK spark plugs product information page for more information about NGK plug specifications. For ultimate performance you may wish to consider Denso Iridium Power spark plugs, please check our Denso applications guide for a suitable option.





3. NGK PFR6H-10  .. 순정형 플러그 [백금처리된 것]



Plug Detail - NGK PFR6H-10
**Please note that scales are provided for an approximate reference and are not to be used for precise measurement**

Thread Diameter

Thread Reach

Seat Type
Hex Size
Tip configuration
Double platinum
Terminal Type

NGK Spark Plug PFR6H-10 details and information
NGK manufacture an extremely high quality spark plug product. Part number PFR6H-10 is no exception. We have classified part number PFR6H-10 as "Enhanced" type, more specifically PFR6H-10 features Double platinum as well as the same high quality copper core as the rest of the NGK sparkplug range. Please visit our NGK spark plugs product information page for more information about NGK plug specifications. For ultimate performance you may wish to consider Denso Iridium Power spark plugs, please check our Denso applications guide for a suitable option.





4. NGK PFR7H-10  .. 순정 plug PFR6H-10 보다 열가가 1 높은 것.. 이 plug 사용에 대해서도 문의 부탁


Plug Detail - NGK PFR7H-10

Sorry, picture and details are currently unavailable for this part

However, it is available for purchase.


NGK Spark Plug PFR7H-10 details and information
NGK manufacture an extremely high quality spark plug product. Part number PFR7H-10 is no exception. We have classified part number PFR7H-10 as "Enhanced" type, more specifically PFR7H-10 features Double platinum as well as the same high quality copper core as the rest of the NGK sparkplug range. Please visit our NGK spark plugs product information page for more information about NGK plug specifications. For ultimate performance you may wish to consider Denso Iridium Power spark plugs, please check our Denso applications guide for a suitable option.






출처 : 사브오너스클럽
글쓴이 : 최봉영[마산] 원글보기
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